Into the bowl which is taken out of the freezer, pour the cold whipping cream
Beat with the whisk attachment until frothy
Then add the sugar and the cocoa powder
Then again start beating on medium speed
After 5mins, start beating in high speed
Continue beating just until soft peaks come
Then add the melted and cooled chocolate
Again beat on medium speed for 1min
And then stop beating
To another bowl, drizzle some chocolate syrup
Then add the cream on top of the syrup
Again pour the syrup in some pattern
And on top, it again layer the cream
Finally, drizzle the chocolate syrup again on top of the cream
Close and freeze it overnight
Before serving, take the ice cream and keep it outside for 10mins, or else it would be hard
Serve it with more syrup if needed
Enjoy the Yummy Chocolate icecream....